26/12/2021 – Simeon sees the Savior

Bahan Alkitab: Luke 2:22-35, 39-40

Tanggal: 26/12/2021


Waiting time is not a pleasant time. We might get bored, annoyed, sleepy or even agitated.
In the bible there are 2 people : one man and one woman, who has been waiting for a long time.
What are they waiting for? The Savior who has been promised by God.
How long did they wait? A long time. Perhaps all their life ever since they heard God’s promise.
What did they do while waiting? They pray and worship God and fast.

Who are they?
The man’s name is Simeon. He is a Godly man.
The woman’s name is Anna. She is a prophetess.

They were so glad when one day they met baby Jesus. That day, Joseph and Mary brought baby Jesus to the temple to present him to the Lord in keeping with the Law. Holy Spirit enable Simeon and Anna to see that the baby is the promised Messiah. And they were joyful.

We may not be having a pleasant time during this pandemic time. We are reminded to keep our eyes focus to God’s promise. Waiting time should be the time where we pray and remember God’s promise. We should keep our relationship with God and cherish every opportunity given by God to worship Him.

Ayat Hafalan:

Luke 2:11
For unto you is born this day in the city of David, a Saviour, who is Christ the Lord.
