Kategori Kelas Kecil (Pagi)

31/05/2020 – Pass it on

Bahan Alkitab: Gladys Aylward Tanggal: 31/05/2020 Kategori: sm-pagi-kelas-kecil Ringkasan: God’s love empowers us to love those who are different from us.Mereka sama dg kita yg adalah orang berdosa n butuh Tuhan Yesus. Setiap negara n society punya kebudayaan. China punya…

10/12/2020 – Jesus is Alive

Bahan Alkitab: Luke 24 :1-12 ; 34 Tanggal: 10/12/2020 Kategori: sm-pagi-kelas-kecil Ringkasan: Focus for children: Praise Jesus, our risen Savior! Bible story – Luke 24 : 1-12 ; 34After Jesus died on the cross, a follower of Jesus named Joseph,…