11/10/2020 – God Gave Abraham A Promise
Tanggal: 11/10/2020 Activity: God Gave Abraham A Promise Bahan Tambahan: God-Gave-Abraham-A-Promise.pdfGod-Gave-Abraham-A-Promise-Contoh.pdf Guru: Maureen
Tanggal: 11/10/2020 Activity: God Gave Abraham A Promise Bahan Tambahan: God-Gave-Abraham-A-Promise.pdfGod-Gave-Abraham-A-Promise-Contoh.pdf Guru: Maureen
Bahan Alkitab: 1 Kings 17 Tanggal: 11/10/2020 Ringkasan: – Nabi Elia diminta Tuhan memberitakan penghakiman Tuhan atas kejahatan Israel (dibawah raja Ahab), yang sudah menyembah Baal. – Berita/bencana buruk ini bisa membuat Elia dimusuhi satu negara Israel, tapi dia taat.…
Tanggal: 11/10/2020 Activity: Aktiviti untuk 11 Oktober 2020 :The Israelites Crossed The Red Sea Bahan Tambahan: Aktiviti-11-Oktober.pdf Guru: Victor
Bahan Alkitab: Exodus 13:17-15:21 Tanggal: 11/10/2020 Ringkasan: This week children will learn that: 1. God of Israelites is the faithful God who is always with His people in happy or difficult times 2. Salvation is grace from God 3. We…
Tanggal: 11/10/2020 Activity: Please see the attachment for the activity. Bahan Tambahan: Red-C.pdf Guru: Diana Lie
Tanggal: 11/10/2020 Activity: Red C Guru: Diana Lie
Tanggal: 11/10/2020 Activity: 1. Print out both pages of the pdf. 2. Colour the people and the sand background on page one. 3. Fold the left side of page one backwards (the waves with sea creatures) along the wave line,…
Tanggal: 04/10/2020 Activity: Word Search Bahan Tambahan: Joash.pdfJoash_answer_key.pdfjoash-fact-answer.pdfjoash-fact.pdf Guru: Cahyadi
Bahan Alkitab: 2 Chronicles 22:10 – 24 : 25 Tanggal: 04/10/2020 Ringkasan: 2 Taw 22 – 24 cerita dari Alkitab kali ini adalah mengenai seorang raja muda bernama Yoas. Yoas saat bayi hampir di bunuh oleh neneknya sendiri yang bernama…
Bahan Alkitab: Kejadian 7:21-9:1 Tanggal: 04/10/2020 Ringkasan: God promised, never again to destroy the whole world with flood. The rainbow was a sign of God’s promise. Ayat Hafalan: Luke 1:37 For Nothing is imposibble With God Guru:Ivena