10/10/2021 – God Gave Abraham a Promise
Tanggal: 10/10/2021 Activity: Terlampir dalam file PDF dibawah ini. Bahan Tambahan: Activity-10-Oct.pdf Guru: Leonita
Tanggal: 10/10/2021 Activity: Terlampir dalam file PDF dibawah ini. Bahan Tambahan: Activity-10-Oct.pdf Guru: Leonita
Tanggal: 10/10/2021 Activity: 1. Cut all pieces (coloured and non-coloured). 2. Colour the earth, boy & girl, and hands. 3. Glue them as shown in attached photo. Bahan Tambahan: Kindy_10Oct21_Tending-Gods-Wolrd.pdf Guru: Priska
Bahan Alkitab: Genesis 6:5-9:17 Tanggal: 03/10/2021 Ringkasan: Point pengajaran: We are faced with many choices in life, whether to choose simple things like our food, or other serious things like to do sin or obey God. In Genesis 6, Noah…
Tanggal: 10/10/2021 Activity: Dear Parents, Please help children to print activity on thick paper. Thank you and God bless. Bahan Tambahan: Sunday-School-Activity.pdf Guru: Agnes Chu
Bahan Alkitab: 1Genesis 1:26-27 Tanggal: 03/10/2021 Ringkasan: Tuhan menciptakan Laki-laki dan perempuan menurut, gambar dan rupa Allah / Image of God. Bahasa latin nya adalah IMAGO DEI. Image of God bukan pengertian secara fisik, tapi yang di maksud dalam kitab…
Bahan Alkitab: Genesis 7:21- 9:1 Tanggal: 03/10/2021 Ringkasan: Nuh dan keluarganya masuk ke dalam bahtera dan Tuhan menutup pintu bahtera itu. Air yang turun selama 40 hari/malam memusnahkan seluruh kehidupan di bumi di darat dan juga burung2. Tuhan menjaga Nuh…
Bahan Alkitab: Genesis 1:26; 2:4-25 Tanggal: 03/10/2021 Ringkasan: Recall: God had created a lot of things in the past six days. God made day and night. He made the sun, moon and stars. God made the water and land. He…
Tanggal: 03/10/2021 Activity: Bahan/alat yang diperlukan: 1. Printer 2. Gunting 3. Lem atau double tape 4. Kertas A4 Persiapan oleh Orang Tua : 1. Print gambar yg disediakan 2. Gunting kotak dan 7 strip berwarna. Aktivitas anak (dibantu orang tua)…
Tanggal: 03/10/2021 Activity: To be made in the image of God means that the whole person, body and soul, is created to love, serve and praise God – to have a relationship with him and with other human beings. Colour…
Tanggal: 03/10/2021 Activity: 1. Children are to choose & colour a boy/girl image. 2. Cut the small boxes at the bottom. 3. Glue them to the dashed boxes above to match the arrows. Bahan Tambahan: Sunday-School-Activity_03Oct21_God-Created-Man-Woman.pdf Guru: Priska