28/03/2021 – God Makes Us More Like Jesus

Bahan Alkitab: Matthew 7:16-20

Tanggal: 28/03/2021


Jesus teaches the disciples, we can tell if a fruit, and if it comes from good or bad tree by just looking at the appearances of the fruit. Just like grapes, never came from thornbushes.

Same as, the way a person talks and acts show if that person belongs to God’s family. Good word and kind actions come from God who is working in that person’s life.

What do people think when they hear our words and see our actions? Does it remind them of the heavenly Father and show that we are part of God’s family?

And we have to grow in God’s family, because by that, we become more and more like Jesus, our heavenly Father. And ask the help from Holy Spirit to help trust and obey, so we can do what pleases Him.

Ayat Hafalan:

Matthew 7:24
Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.

Guru:Indah Wijaya