07/03/2021 – Jesus says, “Forgive Others”

Bahan Alkitab: Matthew 5:9-12; 6:12; 18:21-35

Tanggal: 07/03/2021


One day Peter came to Jesus and ask: Lord, how many times should I forgive someone who sins against me? 7 times? Jesus replied: not 7 times, but 77 times. Then Jesus told a story to help his disciples understand that they have to keep forgiving.

There was a rich king who lend money to his servant. The servant owed the king a lot of money and had no way to pay back the money. The King showed mercy to him and forgive him. The servant went out and found his friends that owed him a bit of money. His friend cannot pay back the money. The servant didn’t want to forgive him and put his friend in jail. The King heard about this and called his servant back. He put his servant into jail until he can payback the money.

The King reminds us of God. God has forgiven us for all our sins because Jesus died for us. Since God forgives his children, we must forgive one another from the heart. We have to treat those who sin against us kindly and fairly and that we continue to love them. If we are the one who makes mistakes, say sorry doesn’t mean that everything is done, finished. We have to be responsible and be punished. We don’t repeat the same mistakes.

Ayat Hafalan:

Matthew 6:12
Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors
