28/02/2021 – Jesus says. ” Ask God to forgive you”

Bahan Alkitab: Luke 15

Tanggal: 28/02/2021


Darkness is a place where sin is hidden. We need the lights to enlighten the darkness so that we can see what sins are hidden inside our hearts. The lights are :
– God’s word
– Being honest with the Lord
– Being honest with man
All these will give light to all sins inside our heart.
Sin has its own roots and Rev Tong said it is called “motivation”
What motivate us?
God sees our heart.
We have to be truly sincere in everything before the Lord.
You may be able to lie to your mom or your dad but you can never fool the Lord.
He knows the motivation inside our heart.
When you commit sin, there will be 4 parties who knew it :
– You
– God
– Holy Spirit
– Evil
never think that no one know about your sins and your wrong doings.
Always remember, when you commit sin, even if you see there is no one around physically, God knows and sees it.
But if you repent and ask for God’s forgiveness, God promises that He is faithful and righteous and will forgive us.
Faithful = setia in bahasa indonesia = tidak berubah
Righteous = adil in bahasa indonesia = akan adili yang bersalah
Yes, God will punish the people who commit sin but since Christ died for us, then we are free, forgiven and not required to be afraid anymore. However, we have to be true in our repentance and not want to commit sin anymore. Only then will we be able to have holy and godly life. If we be honest to the Lord, it is like a patient who went to see doctor and told the doctor all his sicknesses. Please read again Luke 15 where you can see how great is the father who forgave his son who squander his money but the father with open arms, welcomes the son.
Always ask for God’s forgiveness and He will forgive you, and after that start again with God to continue to obey the Lord.
Live a holy life.
Be children of God because God is love and has died for you and also because we want to be His channel of blessings, salt and light of the Lord.
so that our life can glorify the Lord and many people will come to Him and be saved, like us.

Ayat Hafalan:

1 John 1: 9
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins
