27/09/2020 – God shows His power

Bahan Alkitab: Exodus 7-10

Tanggal: 27/09/2020


Lesson Focus:

We can trust our powerful God.

Bible story:

God sent Moses to talk to Pharaoh and said: “Let my people go!” but Pharaoh would not listen. God wanted Pharaoh to free Israelites so that they could worship and serve God. Pharaoh said “No”. He hardened his heart and did not believe in the true God. God would send the plagues. Each one of the plagues will show how powerful God is.

In the morning, Moses and Aaron met Pharaoh on the Nile river. Moses repeated the same message to Pharaoh: “Let my people go!” and Pharaoh still refused. Because You did not obey the Lord, God would make the water turn to blood. Aaron took his staff and struck the water. All the water turned to blood.

A week later, Moses and Aaron went to see Pharaoh and repeat the same message from God: Let my people go !” so that they may worship me.” Pharaoh did not obey. God sent a plague of frogs. Hundreds of frogs came out of the Nile River and hopped everywhere. He begged Moses, “Pray to the Lord to take the frogs away from me and my people, and I will let your people go.” So Moses prayed to the Lord, and all the frogs died. But when Pharaoh saw that all the frogs were dead, he hardened his heart and changed his mind.

Next, God told Moses to tell Aaron to use his staff to strike the dust of the ground. When he did this the dust turned into gnats. Gnats got all over the people and the animals. When the magicians saw how many gnats there were, they said to Pharaoh, “Moses and Aaron are not doing tricks, this is really the finger of God!”
Once again Moses came to Pharaoh with God’s message and said, “Let My People Go!” When Pharaoh said, “no” millions of flies invaded Egypt. The only place there were not flies was in Goshen. “Goshen” where the Israelites lived.

Moses visited Pharaoh again and warned him that he must let the Israelites go or the next plague would cause the Egyptians’ animals to die. So horses, donkeys, camels, cattle, sheep and goats belonging to the Egyptians died but not one animal belonging to the Israelites died.

Next, God sent another plague. This time painful sores broke out on the bodies of the Egyptians and their animals called “boils”.

Moses and Aaron once again gave God’s message to Pharaoh. When Pharaoh said “no” this time God told Moses to stretch his hand toward the sky to bring on the worst hail storm that had ever hit the nation of Egypt.
When Pharaoh saw this he confessed he had sinned and that he had been wrong not to let the people go. As soon as Moses stopped the hail, Pharaoh changed his mind. He would not let the people go.

Pharaoh said, “Maybe I’ll just let the men go but keep all of the women and children in Egypt.” This would not do! When Moses stretched out his hand God caused the wind to bring in an invasion of locusts. They destroyed everything that was still growing. Once again, Pharaoh changed his mind as soon as Moses prayed and the locusts left.

Now God caused darkness to fall over all of Egypt. For 3 days there was no light in Egypt. There was light in Goshen where the Israelites lived.

Pharaoh, the magicians and sorcerers and the Egyptian people thought that their gods would protect them but they were wrong. Every plague had caused pain and suffering. Pharaoh had a hard heart toward God. He thought he was the most powerful but he was not.

Lesson summary :

Why did God send all these plagues to Egyptian?

1. God let the plagues happen, starting from water turning into blood, then animals that come out of the water,
animals that depend on water, animals that live on land, to the sky, and finally to humans themselves. All of
this is related to all the Gods worshiped by Egypt. Through the 9 plagues God showed that he was the most
powerful and only he could protect and save his people. He is the one and only true God.
2. Israelites were God’s chosen people, they did not belong to Pharaoh. God had promised that He would lead
them out of Egypt to worship Him and serve Him. And He would keep his promise that He made with them.
3. Sometimes our hearts are hard just like Pharaoh’s and sometimes we might find it hard to obey God too,
Without grace from God to soften our hearts, all of us would have hard hearts. Therefore we must pray to God
and ask God’s help to soften our hearts, have a heart that fear the Lord and accept every Word of God that we
read and hear.

Ayat Hafalan:

Exodus 8:1b
This is what the LORD says: “Let my people go, so that they may worship me.”
