03/05/2020 – An Introduction to Gladys Aylward

Bahan Alkitab: Matthew 5:14-15

Tanggal: 03/05/2020

Kategori: sm-pagi-kelas-kecil


In today’s story, we will learn about a special lady named Gladys Aylward. She was not rich or clever; but she wanted to obey God to share about Jesus (her saviour) to other people.

We are very special because God loves us so much… that He sent His Only Son, Jesus, to save us.
Now after we accept Jesus as the Saviour, we have an important mission to do..
which is to tell others about Jesus.

An example of a mission is similar to playing bowling. In this game, the mission is to strike off/hit the pin with a rolling ball.
Another example is when we are fishing. The mission of fishing is to catch a fish.

Back to us, as a Christian (or follower of Jesus), our important mission is to tell about our Saviour, Jesus Christ.

So now, let us see how Gladys Aylward did her mission, as a Christian, to share about Jesus to people in China.

Gladys were born in London in 1902. She grew up in a poor Christian family. Gladys had black hair and black eyes. Also, she was a small lady (meaning, she is rather short than the other people in London). Even though she was quite different from the people of London (who has blonde hair, blue eyes and tall), she did not complain and feel bad about herself. Instead, she trusted in God and knew that His way is always the best.

One day Gladys attended Sunday School service (just like us) and there she listened to a story of the people who went to China and shared about Jesus to the people there. Since then, she dreamed that one day she could also be in China sharing stories about Jesus.

After she became an adult, Gladys never forget God’s calling for her to go to China. So, she came to the people who ran the missions, so that they could send her to China. But, they did not accept her. They thought that Gladys was not clever enough to learn Chinese language (the language she will use in China). Still, Gladys did not give up.

She worked as a maid and saved her money to go to China. As a maid, the money that she got was not a lot.. but she continued to save every day (not only for months but for years). She hoped and prayed that God will give her a way to China.

Then, one day.. she heard that an old lady, called Mrs. Jeannie Lawson, was looking for a younger woman to continue her missionary work in China. So, Gladys wrote a letter to Mrs. Lawson. In the letter, she wrote that she wanted to help her carry on the missionary work. Mrs. Jennie Lawson (the older lady) could not help Gladys to pay her ticket to go to China. Still, Gladys did not give up.

After 4 years of savings, she went to buy the cheapest ticket she could afford. The money she saved was not enough for the comfortable ship tickets to China, but it was enough to buy the train tickets. So, in October 1932, with her tickets, Bible, little food, and little money, Gladys went to China.

Gladys may not be clever enough or rich enough to be able to let others know who is Jesus, but she has the heart to obey God’s calling. She believes that God will help her.
We are also created in unique ways. Some are very smart, some are not. Some are tall, some are short. Some are very good in singing, some are not so good in singing. But remember.. just like Gladys, who is neither rich nor clever, we all can be used by God to do His mission.

Will her journey to China be a smooth one? Will she meet Mrs. Jennie Lawson in China? Can she tell about Jesus in Chinese to the people in China? We will continue the story next week.

Today’s memory verse is taken from Matthew 5:14a “You are the light of the world”. This sentence was spoken by Jesus to His followers. We have received the light from God, so God wants us to share the light to the others.

Ayat Hafalan:

“You are the light of the world.”
Matthew 5:14a

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