31/01/2021 – Jesus Says, “Pray Like This”

Bahan Alkitab: Matthew 6:9-14; Luke 11:1-13

Tanggal: 31/01/2021


To explain to children what prayer is. The children will be given an analogy about communicating with their parents.
How many times a day the children talk to their daddy/mommy? Have they ever said “thank you” to their parents? Have they ever ask their parents to help with their difficulty? Have they ever said “sorry” when they made mistake?

Praying is also an act of talking/speaking. The difference is, the “person” that the children talk to is: God.

When the sun comes out, the children can say thank you to God for the nice weather. When the rain comes out, they can say thank you because their plant will have enough water to grow bigger.
The children must “say sorry” and seek forgiveness from God when they make a mistake during the day.
When they are afraid or fall sick, they can ask God to help them.

Children can pray to God anytime, anywhere. God never sleeps and God is with them all the time.
Children must pray to God because He is almighty and never fails to keep His promise.

Ayat Hafalan:

Jeremiah 29:12B
Come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.

Guru:David Lo