28/03/2021 – God Makes Us More Like Jesus

Tanggal: 28/03/2021


God causes good “fruit” to grow in the hearts of his people. Just as a grapevine produces grapes and you can count on a healthy fig tree to yield figs in abundance, so you can see good fruit in the life of someone who is growing in the family of God.

This week’s activity will involve:
1. Colouring the apples, the tree and the bin.
* The apples with good attributes can be coloured with their most favourite colour(s)
* The apples with bad attributes can be coloured with grey/black.

2. Cutting the apples, the tree and the bin

3. Pasting the apples with good attributes on the tree, and those with bad attributes on the bin

Bahan Tambahan:


Guru: Anastasia