27/09/2020 – God shows His power – the ten plagues of Egypt

Tanggal: 27/09/2020


Print 2 file yang terlampir. File yang berisi gambar (to color and cut) untuk diwarnai. Setelah diwarnai, gambar dipotong mengikuti lingkarannya, lalu ditempel di file yang berisi lingkaran 1-10 (to paste). Anak SM perlu mengurutkan gambar kesepuluh tulah yang sudah diacak untuk menempelkan gambar 10 tulah dengan urutan 1-10 dengan benar.

Print 2 files attached. File with the pictures in circles (to color and cut) are to be colored. After colored, please cut the pictures following the circles, then paste them into the file with circles number 1-10 (to paste). Sunday school children should ordered the 10 plagues pictures that has been randomized, to paste them in the correct order of 1-10.

Bahan Tambahan:


Guru: Melissa