26/04/2020 – Jesus Gave The Promised Holy Spirit

Bahan Alkitab: Acts 2:1-47

Tanggal: 26/04/2020

Kategori: sm-sore-p34


Points of Learning:
Cognitive: On Pentecost, Holy Spirit empowered the disciples to be God’s witnesses and to spread the gospel. The Lord built His church (His Kingdom) as many were led to believe in Christ.
Affective: Children are grateful because God gave Holy Spirit to lead them to repent and believe in Jesus.
Psychomotor: Children ask the Holy Spirit to help them to tell others about Jesus.
Cognitive: Today the Lord is still building his church, The Holy Spirit lives in believers and helps them live for Him.
Affective: Children realize that Holy Spirit will help them live for Jesus.
Psychomotor: Children want to read the Word of God and ask the Holy Spirit to help them live pleasing God.

(See Attached file for detail of lesson.)

1. God the Holy Spirit works in the hearts of people and helps them believe in Jesus. Because God uses his people to join this mission, you can pray and ask God for help to share the gospel.
2. Believers in the First Church devoted themselves to teaching and fellowship. Do you also obey God’s commands every day? Do you read His Word and pray everyday?

Ayat Hafalan:

Acts 2:39 For the promise is for you and for your children and for all who are far off, everyone whom the Lord our God calls to himself.

Bahan Tambahan:

2020 Apr 26 Jesus Gave The Promised Spirit – Story Notes – Sunday School REC.pdf

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