25/10/2020 – God Provides Water

Bahan Alkitab: Exodus 17: 1-7

Tanggal: 25/10/2020

Kategori: sm-pagi-kelas-kecil


Lesson point:
1. Children learn that God take cares of them and provides for their needs
2. Children learn to be thankful to God and to continue trusting and obey in Him even when faced with difficulties
Bible Story:
This week lesson is a continuation of last week's lesson on how God provides manna as bread for the Israelites. God wanted the Israelites to trust that God would provide for their needs.
As they travel through the hot dessert, they were thirsty and had used up the water they had with them. When they had set up camp to rest, they looked for water sources in the dessert but could not find one.
Instead of trusting in God, they grumbled to Moses just like they did when they needed food. They even questioned if God was with them or not. Moses listened to their grumble and did not have water to give them. They should have trusted God to give the water they needed.
Then, they became angrier and grumbled to Moses on why they were brought out of Egypt and whether it was to make them, their children and their animals die of thirst. They were ready to attack Moses.
Moses prayed to God for help on how he should do with these people. They almost wanted to stone Moses to death.
God answered Moses and told Moses to bring some of the older leaders of Israelites with him. Moses was also instructed to bring the staff which he strike on Nile river when all the water turn into blood.
God led Moses and the men to a rock. God told Moses that He would stand there before you by the rock and told Moses to strike the rock and water will come out of it for the people to drink.
Moses trusted and obeyed God. He stroke the rock with his staff and water came gushing out and everyone had plenty of water of drink.
The Israelites saw once again that God was keeping his promise to take care of them. God gave them food and water when they needed it. God was teaching them to trust Him.
Similarly, we should also learnt to trust in God for taking care of our needs. In current situation, it may be difficult to go out and eat. As children, do we keep grumbling to mummy/daddy on why we cannot go and eat outside? Or can we still be thankful that God still take care of us even in current situation. God still provides food and water for us.
May God continue to teach our children to be trusting and obedient in Him even when we are faced with difficulties.

Ayat Hafalan:

The Lord watches over you – Psalm 121:5a

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