19/07/2020 – God is with Joseph

Bahan Alkitab: Genesis 37, 39-41

Tanggal: 19/07/2020

Kategori: sm-pagi-kelas-kecil


This week we will learn that God will be with us in happy or bad times. We also learn from Joseph that we must persevere and believe in God’s providence even when trouble comes.

Today’s story will cover Joseph’s journey from Canaan until he became a leader in Egypt, as follows:
– Jacob had 12 sons and 1 daughter; but Jacob only gave Joseph a coat of many color, because he loved Joseph the most. Besides Joseph was a good boy who loved to speak the truth, so he would report anything to Jacob. Furthermore, Joseph told his brothers about his dreams that he would be the leader of the family, even though Joseph considered as one of the youngest in the family. These made his elder brothers jealous and hated Joseph.
– One day Joseph’s elder brothers went to feed their flocks far from their home. Jacob asked Joseph to have a check on his brothers, so Joseph went to the fields wearing his fancy coat.
– When Joseph reached there, the brothers took off Joseph’s fancy coat and threw Joseph into a deep well. Then, his brother decided to sell Joseph as a slave to travellers. Joseph was very sad but he believed that God is still with him.
– Joseph was sold to Potiphar’s family in Egypt. He worked hard as a slave for many years. One day he was sent to a prison by Potiphar because he did not want to do something bad. Still, Joseph never complained to God, he believed that God is still with him in the prison.
– Joseph stayed in the prison for a long time, until King of Egypt let him out to explain the meaning of the King’s dream. Joseph could explain the dream (because God showed him) and the King chose him to be one of the highest leader in Egypt.

Ayat Hafalan:

Genesis 28:15a
(God said) I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go

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