18/10/2020 – Supremacy of Christ

Bahan Alkitab: Colossians

Tanggal: 18/10/2020


Colossians is also written by Apostle Paul in his imprisonment in Rome. He wrote Ephesians, Philippians ,Philemon and Colossians during Paul’s first imprisonment in Rome.

Background of Colossians Church , It is about 100 miles of Ephesus, the Gospel was proclaimed by Paul in Ephesus and Epaphras who listened and became a believer brought it to Colossae. He played the major role in the evangelism and growth of the Colossians.Epaphras either visited Paul in prison or was imprisoned with him and reported on conditions in Colossians Church.

The purpose to write this letter ( often always the case of Paul’s others letter ) like Romans, Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesus and Philippians ,to teach young Christians to grow in the right doctrine of the Gospel.
Paul emphasized on these 3 main points in its letter to Colossians:
1. The Supremacy of Jesus Christ.
2. Beware of false teachings.
3. As Christians we need to grow in the Word of God.

Who is Jesus Christ?
1. He is the creator of all creation .( Col 1:16)
Everything is created by Him, through Him and for Him.
2. He is the image of God . He is God .(Col1:15, John 1:1-2, 14)
No one has seen God . The Word became flesh and God dwelt among us ,this is in Jesus Christ who came into this World in bodily form.
3. He is the head of the Church.(Col1:18).
Not the pope. That is why the highest authority of the Church is The Scriptures. Sola Scriptura. God special revelation to us is already written in the Bible now. Jesus has ascended to Heaven and God’s word is given to us in the written Bible . 2Timothy3:16.
4. He is The Redeemer. (Col 1:20-22)
He reconcile all things to Himself ,having made peace through the blood of His cross.He sacrifice Himself so we do not have to be punished ,His death substitute our death. When we come to trust in Him, our sins are forgiven and He imputed His righteousness to us who believe in Jesus Christ. So now we can be in peace for we have received forgiveness of our sins and we are reconciled to God . We were His enemy (Col1:21),were alienated and hostile in mind, we engaged in evil deeds. All these is solely the work of Jesus Christ,nothing else. We cannot be justified by doing the laws. Galatians 2:16.
Therefore , Christians should not listen to the false teachings that is not according to The Gospel. For examples:
1.Following all religious festival (Col 2:16,17)(numbers 28:11-14)
2. Only consume permissible food and drinks.
3. Did circumcision according to Jewish Law.
4. Asceticism (Col 2:21)
5. Angel worship (Col2:18)
6. Reliance of human wisdom and tradition.

Having made peace through the blood of His Cross:
Before Christ After Christ:
-Alienated -Holy
-Hostile in mind -Blameless
-Engaged in evil deeds

How should we live now after union with Christ?
Col 3:1-4
Col 3:20
Children , Obey your parents in all things.

Let us discuss:
1. Who is the most important person in your life?
2. How is He/She compare to Jesus Christ?
3. Would you like to know more about Christ?

Ayat Hafalan:

Colossians 1:15
And he is the image of the invisible God, the first -born of all creation.
