14/03/2021 – Jesus says, “Serve Others”

Bahan Alkitab: Mark 9:33-35, Mark 10:35-45, John 13:1-17

Tanggal: 14/03/2021


In this world, we always think that to be the greatest mean we have to be the most famous, richest, smartest man. In short to be number 1. But Jesus said that whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant and whoever wants to be the first must be slave of all. He did not come to be served, but to serve, and give his life for the sins of his people.
One day, Jesus and his disciples got ready to celebrate the Passover Feast. When they arrive at the home, there was no servant who will wash their feet. So Jesus got up and wrapped a towel around his waist and start to wash his disciple’s feet. The disciple were surprised that their Lord would do the job of a servant. Why did he wash their feet?
Jesus said that He as their Lord and teacher, have washed their feet, so they also should wash one another’s feet. He was telling them to act like servants toward each other, be humble, ready and willing to help that most people wouldn’t want to give.
We have to give our time and effort to serve others. How can we serve others? As a child, your parents serve you in many ways. Cook a meal, wash your clothes, etc. You can serve your parents at home, for example clean up your room and your toys. You can also serve in church by joining choir, help your teacher at Sunday school, sit and play together with any friends. Remember Jesus says that we have to serve one another, be humble and help others.

Ayat Hafalan:

Matthew 6:12
Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors
