07/11/2021 – God clothed Adam and Eve

Tanggal: 07/11/2021


1. Cetak file ini.
2. Warnai kedua gambar di atas dan di bawah.
3. Potong gambar menjadi 2 bagian atas dan bawah mengikuti garis petunjuk di tengah
4. Gambar yang di bawah berjudul “Help Cover Adam & Eve!” setelah diwarnai, potong
bagian kanan yang berisi gambar baju, mengikuti garis petunjuk.
5. Potong baju untuk Adam dan Hawa sesuai gambar.
6. Tempelkan baju untuk Adam dan Hawa masing-masing ke gambar Adam dan Hawa di
sebelah kiri gambar.
7. Hafalkan ayat hafalan di bawah gambar Adam dan Hawa.

1. Print the file
2. Color both pictures on top and bottom.
3. Divide the picture into 2 pictures of top and bottom following the cut line in
the middle of paper
4. The bottom picture titled “Help Cover Adam & Eve!”, after colored, cut the right
part which have pictures of clothes, following the cut line.
5. Cut the clothes for Adam and Eve as picture.
6. Paste the clothes of Adam and Eve correspondingly to Adam and Eve picture on the
7. Memorize the memory verse at the bottom of Adam and Eve picture.

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Guru: Melissa