07/03/2021 – Forgiveness

Tanggal: 07/03/2021


1. Print file terlampir
2. Warnai gambar kerangka amplop dan “koin-koin” forgiveness
3. Gunting kerangka amplop mengikuti garis luar
4. Lipat kerangka mengikuti garis putus-putus ke arah dalam, mulai dari kiri, lalu kanan.
5. Balik amplop yg sudah dilipat tadi. Lem sambungan kiri di atas sambungan kanan di bagian angka “1”.
6. Lipat bagian bawah amplop dan tempelkan ke atas sambungan kiri kanan tadi.
7. Amplop yang terbuka di atas siap dipakai.
8. Gunting “koin-koin” forgiveness yang sudah diwarnai, lalu masukkan ke dalam amplop tadi.
9. Hafalkan ayat hafalan di depan amplop.

1. Print file attached
2. Color the envelope template and the forgiveness “coins”
3. Cut the envelope template following the outer line
4. Fold the template inwards following the dash line, start from left, then right.
5. Flip the folded envelope. Glue the left flap on top of right flap at the area numbered “1”
6. Fold the last flap at the bottom of the envelope and glue it to the glued left flap.
7. The opened top envelope is ready to use.
8. Cut the colored forgiveness “coins” then put it inside the envelope.
9. Memorize the memory verse in the front of envelope.

Bahan Tambahan:


Guru: Melissa