06/09/2020 – God Takes Care of Moses

Bahan Alkitab: Exodus 1:6-2:10

Tanggal: 06/09/2020


God has promised Abraham that, from his son, there will be a great nation. However, in today’s story we see that Israelites were suffering under Pharaoh in Egypt.

Pharaoh was worried that Israel will defeat Egypt in future because Israelites has grown stronger and bigger in number. Therefore, Pharaoh forced Israelites to become Egypt’s slaves.
Pharaoh also instructed to kill Israelites’ baby sons because Israel was still growing although he has made them suffered.

This does not mean that God has forgotten His promise. God was preparing Moses to lead His people (Israelites) out from Egypt. Eventually Moses did not get killed and instead, he become Pharaoh’s son. From today’s story, we can learn how God took care of Moses since he was a baby despite Pharaoh’s ill intention for Israelites.

Moses story also serves as an illustration of how God will save His people through Jesus who died on the cross for all of us – this piece of story will be further explained next week.

May today’s story reminds us that God watches and cares for each one of us, His children.

Ayat Hafalan:

Nahum 1:7
The Lord cares for those who trust in Him
